Instruction for authors
“Biophysics” is founded in 1956 as peer-reviewed journal for publication of original experimental and theoretical data not being published elsewhere as well as reviews at the request of the Editorial Board or Reviews on the initiative of researches upon peer-review process. The journal is published under the supervision of Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Cell Biophysics of Russian Academy of Sciences. Periodicity – 6 issues per year.
The scope of the journal covers following research areas:
- Molecular Biophysics.
- Cell Biophysics.
- System Biophysics.
Sections “Discussions”, “Chronicle”, “Critique”, “Letters to the Editor” are introduced optionally.
In “Letters to the Editor” short communications containing new data requiring immediate publication may be accepted upon peer-review process.
“Biophysics” publishes proceeding of conferences related to current problem of biophysics.
Since 2005 producer of English version (Biophysics), Pleiades Publishing inc. (PPI) requires that Author agreements for papers accepted for publication are attached. Two types of agreements should be signed:
- Copyright.
- License agreement for reuse of scientific materials (tables, figures, schemes ets) for non-commercial purposes by other journals.
Only after the documents were signed manuscript may be considered by Editorial board and sent for handling and production. The use of previously published data (figures, tables, schemes) should be accompanied by the written permission from the copyright owner.
Ethic policy of the Journal implies that falsification and fabrication of data, plagiarism and resubmission of data being already published elsewhere are completely excluded.
Covering Letter from the home Institution where the work was done confirming the permission for publication should be attached to the manuscript.
Manuscripts deviating from the rules of formatting may be rejected prior to consideration by referees. Copyright and license agreement should be attached at the stage of submission.
- Full text article and the whole set of accompanying documents may be submitted via e.mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Files of large size may be compressed by WinRAR.
Text should be prepared in Microsoft Word (2003-2010).
To avoid complication with processing of the manuscript it is recommended to use restricted number of fonts, use “Enter” only for separation of subparagraphs and do not use automatic hyphen for word subdivision. - The following article structure and the order of data presentation are recommended:
- Index according to Universal Classification (“УДК”, specific for Russian Federation).
- The title.
- List of Authors (First name. Second name. Family name). Symbols above the line (asterisk) indicates the affiliation of any given author.
- Full address of Institutions including postal code, city, street, building number.
- E.mail address for correspondence.
- Abstract (approximately 1000 characters).
- Key words (no more than 6).
- List of abbreviations.
- Text of the article subdivided into Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions.
- Acknowledgments.
- Sources of financial support.
- References.
- Tables (numbered according to the order in the text).
- Image descriptions (captions).
- Figures (numbered according to the order in the text).
Full contact information regarding corresponding author should be provided as separate file (address of Institution, office phone number, mobile phone number, e.mail address). - Please make sure that figure files are in an acceptable format (TIFF, JPG) and that the actual resolution is at least 300 dpi. Figures prepared in Corel Draw are also accepted. If additional labels are used in the figures (arrows, asterisks, characters ets), identical file without any marking should be provided. All overlaid marks and labels should be clearly readable. If the quality of images does not fit the Journal format, manuscript may be returned for improvement. Color figures may be reproduced only in grey scale.
- Mathematical formulas should be typed in special editor of Microsoft Word. It is recommended to use exponent presentation instead of mathematical symbol “root”. Each new formula should be given in new line and numbered at the right edge of the page. Numbering must correspond to the mention in the text.
- The chemical structural formula should be numbered by roman numerals in parentheses in the same order as they are mentioned in the text.
- Physical units must be given according to International nomenclature.
- Image and table legends should provide sufficient description to interpret the Figures if corresponding information is not present in the text.
- References in the text should be presented in square brackets sequentially as cited. If the reference is cited in figure legend, it’s number also should correspond to logic ordering in the article.
List of References- I. I. Ivanov, Mathematical modeling (Elsevier, N.-Y., 2014)
- D. G. Knorre and O. I. Lavrik, in Theory and practice in Affinity techniques, Ed. by P. V. Sundaram and F. Eckstein (Acad. Press, London, N ew York, San F rancisco, 1978), pp. 169–188.
- M. A. Castanho, N . C. Santos, and L.M . Loura, Eur. Biophys. J. 26, 253 (1997).
- M. V. Petrova, PhD (or Doctoral) Thesis “The influence of…….” (University….., City abbreviation for example, M. - Moscow., 2010).
Books:Miscellanea issues:Research articles:PhD Thesis:
- Only results of completed research are considered by Editorial Board. Every manuscript is subjected to peer-review by experts in corresponding area of Biophysics. Minor corrections concerning spelling, nomenclature or formatting can be made by production team without author’s agreement.
- If the text or graphical information requires more deep corrections the manuscript will be returned for improvement. If corrected manuscript is received by Editorial Board in three months from the date of primary decision, the date of first submission is indicated in printed version.
- After corrections recommended by Editorial Board are made, improved manuscript should be sent along with covering letter describing all corrections.
- Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the paper by following reasons:
- The scientific content of the paper is out of scopes of the journal.
- The aims of the research are not clearly expressed.
- The language and the logic of presentation make scientific content rather obscure.
- The format of manuscript does not meet requirements of the journal.
- The fact of plagiarism or previous publication of the same results by authors is revealed during peer-review process.